Tuesday, January 1, 2008


by Laura Hilton and Damita Chambers

Stalking Awareness Month was established and announced in January 2004 to increase awareness among the public of this crime. Stalking is widespread and affects women and men. “Stalking” is defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause her/him to feel and live in fear. Stalking is also defined as willfully done, on more than one occasion, follows or is in the presence of, or harasses another person, without legal purpose and with intent either to place in reasonable fear or causes substantial emotional distress. Stalking can be extremely dangerous, and it disrupts lives.

Stalking is a criminal offense under the laws of all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the federal Government. Changes were made to the stalking laws in North Carolina effective December 1, 2004. The law, G. S 14-277.3, states that “Stalking” is defined as following on more than one occasion or otherwise harassing another person without legal purpose with intent to do any of the following:

• Place the person in reasonable fear either for the person’s safety or safety of the person’s immediate family or close personal associates.
Cause the person to suffer substantial emotional distress by placing that person in fear of death, bodily injury or continued harassment and that in fact causes the person substantial emotional distress.

The definition of Harassment: Knowing conduct, including written or printed communication or transmission, telephone or cellular or other wireless telephonic communication, facsimile transmission, pager messages or transmissions, answering machine or voice mail messages or transmissions and electronic mail messages or other computerized or electronic transmissions, directed at a specific person that torments, terrorizes or terrifies that person and that serves no legitimate purpose.

According to statistics, 1 in 12 women and 1 in 45 men will be stalked in their lifetime. Seventy-seven percent of female and 64% of male victims know their stalker. A minority of victims are stalked by strangers. The overwhelming majority of victims are women. Most women are stalked by current or former intimate partners such as spouses, cohabiting partners, or dating partners. Nearly 90% of the stalkers are men. Stalkers can be acquaintances, strangers, coworkers, or current or former spouses/partners. The majority of stalkers are not mentally ill; however, a small percentage suffer from health problems and are often socially maladjusted and insecure.

Stalking lasts on average nearly two years, according to victim reports. One study showed 25% of victims took time from work to deal with a stalking problem. More than 8 million women and 2 million men will be stalked at some point during their lives. It is difficult to predict when and how a stalker will act. Anyone (including celebrities) can be stalked. Stalking can occur during a relationship or after a relationship. Stalkers are unpredictable. Some stalkers threaten and intimidate, and it is difficult to ascertain if and when it will escalate to violence. Victims may not know if the action they take will stop the stalking or make it worse.

Stalking’s impact is often wide ranging and severe. It can be traumatic for the victim. Many victims feel constantly on alert, vulnerable, out of control, and anxious. Stalking causes long-term emotional distress and disruption of everyday living. Victims are unable to trust, and it is hard for them to recover from the effects. They may go to drastic steps to protect themselves, such as changing their identities and places of residence.

Stalkers can by nature be obsessive and dangerous. The stalker types are divided into four general categories:

Simple Obsession is the most common type. The stalker is usually a male and the victim is someone they know. The stalker feels wronged and this is his way of getting back.

Love Obsession: a stranger or casual acquaintance to the victim is obsessive and begins a campaign of harassment to make victim aware of his or her existence.

Erotomania: The stalker falsely believes that the victim is in love with him or her, and that but for some external obstacle, they would be together again.

False Victimization syndrome is extremely rare and involves someone who consciously or subconsciously wants to play the role of the victim. He or she may make up a complex tale, claiming to be a stalking victim. In such cases the would-be victim is sometimes the actual stalker, and alleged offender is the real victim.

Safety Planning
It is important to have a safety plan to keep safe and to remember the victim is not responsible for the stalker’s behavior. It is important to report all stalking incidents to the police and to seek help from a local victim service agency.

• Try to get as much information on resources available.
Avoid all possible contact with the stalker.
• Watch for early warning signs: “red flags” such as obsessive and suspicious behaviors.
Be more vigilant about anything out of the ordinary.
• Do not overlook any signs of unwanted attention.
Documentation is very important. Try to keep a log book of time, locations, and events that are happening. Record all phone and/or e-mail messages.
• Take pictures of any damage caused by the stalker.
All threats should be taken seriously and all suspicious activities should be reported to the police.


Information provided by Interact, a Non-profit Wake County United Way Agency that provides safety, support awareness to victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Interact also promotes violence-free relationships and communities through collaboration, public information, education and advocacy. All client services are free and confidential.

Laura Hilton is the Director of Communications and Community Education & Training with Interact, a Wake County non-profit United Way Agency that serves victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

She is a dedicated advocate against family violence and is well known as a valuable community resource and consultant. Laura shares her wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise with a variety of agencies, organizations, corporations, law enforcement, legislators, medical, human service, faith community, media professionals, and private individuals throughout North Carolina.

She began her work at Interact in 1991. Her current position as an educator, marketing, public relations and communications agent for Interact provides her the opportunity to interface with the community as well as with the media. She serves on several community boards and committees for conferences, special events and awareness planning, training and collaboration. She has received numerous (local, state, national and international) awards and recognition for her work in the field of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration - Queens College
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault/Communications Certification

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