Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Poverty in America Awareness Month

January is “Poverty in America Awareness Month”

Today, 37 million Americans—and 1 in 6 children—are struggling in poverty, making hard choices between food, health care, heat and rent. To bring attention to this national crisis, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has designated January as “Poverty in America Awareness Month.”

During this special month of observance, we devote our efforts to heightening the nation's understanding of the breadth and depth of the problems of poverty:

  • Releasing a powerful public service campaign to raise awareness of poverty in America.
  • Encouraging the editorial media to focus on poverty.
  • Educating the public to be sensitive to the needs of those in poverty and to treat poor people with respect.
  • Holding events in Catholic schools and public settings to make sure poverty is top-of-mind for all Americans.

What can you do to promote Poverty in America Awareness Month?

Get the facts about this forgotten state
Read the latest news on poverty from CCHD
Learn how others have overcome poverty
Take a tour of this forgotten state
Get involved in your community
Email a friend about povertyusa.org

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