Thursday, October 18, 2007

Superman Tags!

Superman Tags

Order your Superman Tags today!

Christopher Reeve redefined courage and hope. His strength, determination, and compassion inspired the world. He was our hero. Today, the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation proudly introduces the CDRF Superman Tag. This special offer is your opportunity to pay personal tribute to Christopher Reeve's incredible legacy. By wearing the CDRF Superman Tag, you believe that Christopher's vision will Go Forward.

See Who's Been Tagged!

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Superman Tags can be worn around the neck on a chain, or clipped onto gear, sports equipment, purses, or book bags. All proceeds from the sale of the Superman Tags go to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. Purchase the Superman Tag to show your support of Christopher Reeve's vision and the mission of his Foundation.


Cost: $10.00 for a set of two Superman Tags. Each set includes two tags, one chain and one clip. Ground shipping/handling costs are $4.95 for the first set and $1 for each additional set, with a maximum ground shipping charge of $8.95. All proceeds from the sale of the Superman Tags support CDRF.

To order online: click here.

To order by mail: click here to visit Add the Superman Tags to your shopping cart, and when you Check Out you will have the option of completing your purchase by Mail Order, and paying with a money order.

Phone orders are temporarily unavailable at

Please do not send orders for tags directly to the Foundation, as we cannot process your order. Requests sent directly to the Foundation will be returned to the sender.

Chritopher and Dana Reeve Foundation

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Press Information

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
636 Morris Turnpike
Suite 3A
Short Hills, NJ 07078

The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation is dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research, and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis through grants, information and advocacy.

The CDRF started as a grass-roots movement, led by pioneers who refused to accept the long-standing dogma that once damaged, the injured spinal could never be repaired. Back in 1982, New Jersey teenager Henry Stifel was just 17 when he was involved in a car accident that left him with quadriplegia. Led by Henry's father, the family mobilized friends, neighbors, scientists, bankers, and local political leaders to form a foundation to raise money for spinal cord research.

Just a few years later, in an effort to maximize resources and avoid duplication, the Stifel Paralysis Research Foundation approached the American Paralysis Association (APA) about a merger. The APA had also been formed by a group of spinal cord injured individuals and their families. By joining forces in the mid-1980s under the APA banner, the group was now able to work more efficiently, reach out to more people, and significantly increase its annual research budget. Through its support of cutting edge basic science, the APA changed the field of paralysis research; transforming it from an obscure specialty practiced by a few scientists in isolated labs to one of the most exciting areas of neuroscience.

In 1995, when Christopher Reeve was injured, the APA was one of the first places that he and Dana turned to. Christopher had formed his own foundation, which he came to realize had much in common with the APA (to which he was elected Chairman of the Board in 1996). He was so impressed by the passion of the APA's members and the daring research they were funding, he suggested a merger, offering to lend his name, creativity, energy, and fundraising muscle to their shared quest for a cure. In 1999, they came together as the Christopher Reeve Foundation.

Christopher and Dana were never celebrity figureheads. They were hands-on, activist leaders, who rallied a swelling chorus of voices advocating for people living with paralysis, even establishing a CRF presence in Washington, D.C. They recognized that the true heroes in the spinal cord injured community are those living with paralysis and their families. Recently it was said, "Christopher created a culture of hope… and it was contagious."

Today, through CDRF's persistence and promise, neuroscientists around the world agree that repairing the damaged spinal cord is not a question of if, but a question of when .

Research Programs
Today, the Foundation is recognized as the premier spinal cord injury (SCI) research organization throughout the world. Our research strategies cover an entire spectrum beginning with recruiting new investigators to the field of SCI research, to providing seed money to basic researchers that eventually develop breakthroughs supported by the National Institutes of Health and other funding sources, to efforts in taking bench research into the clinic for application in patients around the globe. Our mission is simple, but the method requires the collaboration of the best and brightest minds in neuroscience. To that end, the Foundation gathers the most distinguished researchers in order to build a true laboratory without walls.

Basic research starts with our Individual Research Grants Program, our largest, most comprehensive research initiative that focuses on the molecular and cellular level of research. The Foundation's support of basic research at this level provides investigators the opportunity to take smart risks with bold ideas, and turn them into catalytic breakthroughs. The findings that emerge from these research endeavors have the potential to contribute to treatments for other devastating diseases, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, MS, ALS, and stroke.

The Foundation's International Research Consortium on Spinal Cord Injury is an international multi-disciplinary collaboration of established laboratories. Having recognized that no one laboratory had the breadth to tackle the complex challenges of restoring function to the damaged spinal cord, CDRF organized the Consortium in 1995. These senior investigators work to promote repair and recovery through collaboration among researchers representing a diversity of disciplinary backgrounds and perspectives. The Consortium fosters inter-laboratory experiments and encourages investigators to pool their talents, expertise, and techniques in pursuit of new knowledge and therapies.

The goal of the North American Clinical Trials Network is to bring promising and evidence-based therapies for SCI from the laboratory to the patient population in a way that will provide effectiveness while ensuring safety to patients undergoing treatment. CDRF has brought together five leading clinical research centers and a bio-statistical center to create the Clinical Trials Network. The groups are building the foundation for a global cross-collaboration that will help speed therapeutic development and get useful therapies to people who need them.

Quality of Life Programs
The Foundation funds a variety of national, regional and local initiatives that benefit both children and adults living with paralysis, especially those with spinal cord injuries. These grants are designed to substantially improve opportunities, access and day-to-day quality of life for individuals living with disabilities, primarily paralysis, and their families. This program recognizes the unique and numerous needs of these individuals and the importance of providing services and programs that enable them to participate in all areas of life.

Christopher & Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center (PRC)
In May 2002, the PRC opened its doors to promote the health and well being of people living with paralysis and their families by providing comprehensive information resources and referral services. The PRC, guided by a Paralysis Task Force, houses a national clearinghouse library of paralysis-related publications, maintains a constantly evolving self-help Web site, and publishes an extensive print manual, The Paralysis Resource Guide. The PRC is equipped to address inquiries in more than 50 languages through the help of real-time translation services. Contact the PRC at (800) 539-7309 or visit View a brochure on the PRC here .

The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation believes that within knowledge lies hope. Therefore, we not only pursue financial support, but we vigorously work to increase federal dollars towards paralysis research through several avenues. We educate lawmakers about the impact of paralysis and the promise of therapies, and we make sure that disability rights remain a priority. We advocate for and propose legislation important to the disability community. We serve as the catalyst that empowers individuals to participate in the public policy debate. In these ways and more, the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation stands up for the four to five million Americans who can't.

Chairman of the Board

Peter D. Kiernan, III

Vice Chairman

Henry G. Stifel, III

Press Contact:

The MWW Group
Jamie Morgan
Senior Account Executive
Maggie Goldberg
Vice President of Public Relations
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation


When was the CDRF founded?

The organization was founded in 1982, under the name Stifel Family Paralysis Foundation, which merged with other groups to become the American Paralysis Association (APA) in 1985. In 1996, Christopher and Dana Reeve started the Christopher Reeve Foundation (the same year, Christopher was elected Chairman of the APA). The Christopher Reeve Foundation and APA merged to become the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation in 1999, and the word “Paralysis” was then dropped from our name in 2005. In 2007, Dana's name was added to the Foundation's.

Do you have chapters?

The CDRF is not a chapter-based organization, although we have relationships with many organizations across the country that raise money on our behalf.

How can I become a member/volunteer?

The CDRF does not have a membership program or a volunteer program. However, all those interested in keeping up with the organization’s activities and issues of importance to the paralysis community are encouraged to sign up for our newsletter, Go Forward, and our Action Alerts. And a great way to show the world that you support the mission and vision of the CDRF is to wear a Superman Tag.

How can I raise funds for CRF?

Visit our donations page for information on the many ways you can donate to the CDRF. If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser for the CDRF, click here.

How can I contact members of the Reeve family?

Respecting the family’s privacy, we cannot offer to put inquirers in touch with the Reeve family.

Can you give me permission to use Christopher or Dana Reeve’s name and likeness?

The Reeve family and the CDRF jointly share the rights to Christopher Reeve’s name and likeness. Contact with any requests.

How can I advertise on your website/newsletter? Can I link to/get a link from your website?

The CDRF does not currently offer advertising opportunities. Thanks for your interest in linking to our website, and we encourage you to do so but ask that you send your website address for approval prior to linking. As for reciprocal links, does not have a general “links” section, so we unfortunately cannot generally offer to return the favor. (the website of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center) features links to many web resources that provide information on paralysis. If you believe your site has relevant content, contact

Where can I go if I have questions about paralysis?

Please contact the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center, online at or by phone at 1-800-539-7309.

General Interest

CDRF Research: One Goal, Many Approaches

The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation is committed to finding treatments and cures for spinal cord injuries.

Toward that end, the Foundation seeks out some of the most brilliant minds in neuroscience and other fields like immunology and molecular biology. We look for researchers who are poised to deliver the answers that will change the lives of spinal-cord injured people worldwide.

Our exciting research programs accelerate the progress toward our goals. The CDRF Individual Research Grants Program, CDRF International Research Consortium on Spinal Cord Injury, and the Core Pilot Program contribute both basic and applied research, the essential groundwork for effective therapies. The Individual Research Grants Program identifies and invests in talented young scientists and proven veterans from many disciplines who move us closer to therapies. The CDRF International Research Consortium brings together seven renowned neuroscientists for collaborative projects that are beyond the scope of any single laboratory. The Core Pilot Program encourages accomplished researchers from other fields to explore how their expertise might apply to spinal cord injuries. For example, a strategy that shows promise for preventing Alzheimer's disease might reduce cell damage following a spinal cord injury.

We are working on other fronts as well. The CDRF North American Clinical Trials Network and the NeuroRecovery Network are hastening the day when successful experimental treatments move from the laboratory to the clinic. The Translational Research Fund advances discoveries that are on the verge of human testing. And the Clinical Trials Network is building the scientific infrastructure and protocols that will enable researchers to move proposed clinical trials of SCI treatments to a successful reality. The Neuro Recovery Network develops specialized centers to provide activity-based therapies to people living with spinal cord injury and certain other neurological disorders. This effort is making the latest approaches to rehabilitation more widely available.

Some day doctors will provide comprehensive treatments for spinal cord injuries. In the meantime, the cadre of dedicated scientists who receive CDRF support are answering the complicated questions posed by spinal cord injuries and transforming those answers into clinical solutions.

For more information on our research, click the links below:


Welcome to the Scientists' Section of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation website. This section of our website is designed for researchers who need information about our research grants and programs in spinal cord injury, and for anyone seeking more in-depth knowledge about the exciting and forward-thinking science that we support.

A spinal cord injury is one of the most complex traumas the body can sustain. It is a condition that affects one American every 49 minutes. In addition to paralysis, individuals living with spinal cord injury are continually challenged by serious health problems, and those who struggle with the dysfunction of severe high cervical lesions are in particular jeopardy. Those factors, combined with the almost incalculable economic and societal consequences of spinal cord injury, are CDRF's driving forces.

The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation occupies a unique position in the spinal cord research community. Since 1982, under one name or another, it has aggressively pushed all accepted boundaries by seeking out the best and brightest scientists and encouraging them to tackle the enormous challenges of spinal cord repair. CDRF's research philosophy is bold, forward-looking, and strategic. Among its research grantees and scientific advisors are many of neuroscience's most renowned individuals. Its research portfolio includes seminal discoveries, carefully calculated risks that have paid high dividends, and a critical mass of solid science that is the springboard for moving toward human application.

CDRF's research philosophy encompasses the bench-to-the-bedside continuum. Its research programs take deliberate aim at all points in this spectrum, from very basic science -exploring the molecular and cellular mechanisms of injury and repair - to clinical application, creating networks of highly skilled centers to test or deliver promising therapies as they emerge from the research pipeline.

SCI Facts

How many Americans are living with Spinal Cord Injuries?

The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation estimates that up to 400,000 Americans may be living with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI). However, the fact is that no definitive count currently exists, and all estimates are based on incomplete data sets and a significant amount of guesswork. There have not been any overall incidence studies on SCI conducted in the US since the 1970's. The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center at the University of Alabama estimates the number to be around 250,000, (with 11,000 new injuries every year) based on extrapolating the number of new SCI patients who come to one of 25 federally-funded Model SCI Care System centers.

CDRF is currently working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to identify better methods of collecting more reliable statistics.

causes of sci

The Demographics of the SCI Community

While anyone can receive a spinal cord injury, the prevalence of SCI does not affect all demographic groups equally. Males are far more likely to receive spinal cord injuries than females, and African Americans are over-represented among the SCI community based on their share of the general population.

  • 79.6% of new SCI patients are male.
  • Approximately half (48.2%) are married at the time of injury. The likelihood of the marriage remaining intact is slightly lower after the injury when compared to the uninjured population.
  • The average age at injury is 37.6 years.

racial background of sci patients

The Costs of Living With SCI

The costs of living with SCI can be considerable, and vary greatly due to the severity of injury. 42.6% of spinal cord injured individuals are considered paraplegic (losses of movement and sensation in the lower body) and 56.4% quadriplegic (losses of movement and sensation in both the arms and legs).

Average Yearly Expenses

Severity of Injury First Year Each Subsequent Year
High Quadriplegia (C1-C4) $710,275 $127,227
Low Quadriplegia (C5-C8) $458,666 $52,114
Paraplegia $259,531 $26,410
Incomplete Motor Function at any level $209,324 $14,670
  • Length of initial hospitalization following injury in acute care units: 19 days
  • Average stay in rehabilitation unit: 45 days
  • 88.1% of all spinal cord injured individuals are discharged from hospitals to a private home, 5.3% are discharged to nursing homes.

Estimated Lifetime Costs by Age of Injury

Severity of Injury

25 Years Old 50 Years Old
High Quadriplegia (C1-C4) $2,801,642 $1,649,342
Low Quadriplegia (C5-C8) $1,584.132 $1,003,192
Paraplegia $936,088 $638,472
Incomplete Motor Function at any level $624,441 $452,545

  • By developing therapies for those who are already spinal cord injured and preventing new injuries, the United States would save as much as $400 billion on future direct and indirect lifetime costs.

Source: The University of Alabama National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Child Abuse Ribbon!

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Prevent Child Abuse

Since 1972, Prevent Child Abuse America has led the way in building awareness, providing education and inspiring hope to everyone involved in the effort to prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation's children. Working with our chapters, we provide leadership to promote and implement prevention efforts at both the national and local levels. With the help of our state chapters and concerned individuals like you we're valuing children, strengthening families and engaging communities nationwide.

Our many local programs, prevention initiatives and events help spread the word in your community, creating awareness that prevention is possible. We are a family of friends, professionals, volunteers, donors and parents who are preventing child abuse and neglect before it ever starts.

To learn even more about preventing child abuse and neglect click on "what YOU can do" or the following links:

Child Abuse Awareness

Child Abuse Awareness &
Education, the keys to Prevention.

In 1972, Prevent Child Abuse America began its role in changing public attitudes toward child abuse. Through a variety of activities, Prevent Child Abuse America worked to lead the public in taking a more informed and active part in child abuse prevention. Public opinion polls have indicated that over the years, the percentage of people aware of the problem has greatly increased. Their media campaigns during these years has educated the public about the problem, and significantly influenced public opinion. Child Abuse America's goals expanded to encourage more people to become actively involved in preventing child abuse.

Today, the general public realizes that everyone has a role to play in preventing child abuse and neglect. In addition, the public is aware of the long-term effects of maltreatment on children and the rest of society, and is interested in learning about ways to help solve this serious problem.

Child's goal is to inform the public about the many opportunities available for each person to help solve the problem of child abuse.

In an effort to heighten awareness of child abuse we have available to the general public Child Abuse awareness series which provides statistics and answers to commonly asked questions on various issues related to child abuse. Here you'll find Information about domestic violence, and reports on child fatalities. Also, our Monthly News Letter continues to update our chapters, professionals, and the general public on current events surrounding Child Abuse in America.

Information available on helps to bring education to the general public. We encourage people to visit us and receive information in a quick and efficient manner. In 1999, web site brought such information as a list of resources for parents, a section for children, how the public can help to prevent child abuse, and an on-line live chat forum allowing the general public an opportunity to chat together about child abuse topics.

Blue Ribbon Campaign

Before today is over, 3 CHILDREN WILL DIE from being abused. At least one of them will be a baby - less than a year old. They other two probably haven't yet celebrated their 5th birthdays. More than 510 other children will be physically abused today and another 270 will be sexually abused. In total, over 2,700 children will be abused today.

Tomorrow - the horror starts all over again, just as it does everyday.

Child abuse is an American epidemic. And yet - children continue to die everyday. Other children continue to be hurt. And, as they grow up - studies show that they will most likely abuse their own children, perpetuating the cycle of violence.

A blue ribbon is the international symbol for Child Abuse Prevention. The color blue was chosen to represent the bruised and battered bodies of the thousands of children that are abused everyday. It serves as a constant reminder that all of us have a responsibility to help keep children safe.

Wear a Blue Awareness Ribbon and help share the message:
Children deserve to be safe and everyone is responsible for keeping them safe.

To receive your FREE Awareness Ribbon
click here.

You CAN help stop child abuse.

  1. Provide financial support to child welfare agencies working to protect child.

    You can help support agencies like Cardinal McCloskey Services - directing your gifts to our programs working directly with parents in their homes to teach them new behaviors, new discipline techniques and new ways to confront their own emotional scars from the abuse they suffered as children. Or, you can direct your gift to helping abused children recover from their abuse through foster care programs, counseling programs and after-care programs.

    For every $1.00 you donate to Cardinal McCloskey Services, $.92 goes directly to providing services.

    Click here to make a donation.

  2. Volunteer your services at your local child welfare agency.

    One way of being able to ensure the maximum amount of funding goes to providing direct services is to rely on volunteers to help with administrative tasks. Do you have particular talents, skills or abilities that you would like to share with us? Click here to find out more about volunteering.

  3. Become a Board Member

    A volunteer Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing that a not-for-profit child welfare agency fulfills its mission of protecting children. They help raise much needed funds, monitor the fiscal responsibility of an organization and lend their skills and talents to directing the course of the agency. To learn more about being a Board Member, contact our Public Relations Office.

  4. Advocate on behalf of abused children.

    Abused children have no one to speak for them. You can do that. Advocate with your government officials provide sufficient funding to keep programs operating that help keep children safe. Make sure you -- and your officials -- know about the child welfare organizations working in your community to help keep children safe.

  5. Know the signs and symptoms of abuse.

    With so many children suffering from abuse and neglect - you may very likely know a child who is being abused. Know the signs and symptoms. If you suspect a child needs help, he or she probably does. Calling to file a report doesn't mean the child is automatically and immediately removed from the home. It does mean that someone knowledgeable will investigate and evaluate the situation. The family may need help. Your call can help them get it.

    Click here for more information about abuse. Click here for information about reporting child abuse.

  6. Help an at-risk family.

    Do you know a family in your community where Mom and/or Dad are under a great deal of stress, seem to be very short on patience, perhaps drinking a little too much and just seem to be on the edge all the time - yelling at the children, threatening them, grabbing them or maybe even spanking or hitting them? Perhaps there is something you can do to help. Maybe it is a simple thing like offering to take the kids to the park or a movie so that Mom and Dad can get a short break. Sometimes just feeling like there is someone who cares can be enough to diffuse a potentially violent situation.

  7. Help an at-risk child.

    Do you know a child in your neighborhood who seems to be unsupervised, left alone to look after herself, often in the same clothes looking un-kept, out later than appropriate or generally seeming neglected by her parents? Child neglect is a form of child abuse. She may need help. Make a report. It could save her life. Click here for reporting information.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


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Pink for October....

Welcome to Pink for October

Go Pink in Support of Breast Cancer Awareness

Web sites will Go Pink during the month of October to bring attention to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, get people talking about breast cancer, and raise money for research. But to be clear, raising money isn’t the primary purpose of this web event.

The hope is that you turn your site pink (in whatever way works for your site), go out to that World Wide Web thing (in fact you’re on it right now! :) ) and educate yourself about the multiple issues related to Breast Cancer, then take that newfound knowledge and tell someone else what you’ve learned.

What Can You Do? Show Your Support

Get a Graphic in Support

From badges to banners, site themes to icons; it's easy to show your support for breast cancer on your site. You don't have to go pink to show your support.

Show Your Support Now

Get Involved

Submit Your Site

Turning your site pink this October? Register it and have your site linked in our footer. This years it's easier than ever to register you site so you've got no excuse not to go pink.

Sign Up Now

Make a Difference

Act Now, Make a Change

Want to do something more than turning your site pink for October? Want to donate to breast cancer? There are many ways you can act now and help raise awareness.

Make a Difference Now

Find Out More

What is Pink for October?

How did this all start? What do you need to do to get involved? Who created this project? Why was it started? Find out about this annual event and what's behind it.

Find Out More Now
Oct 03 2007


We’ve had some issues with the sign up process so we are on to Plan B. Check out the list of sites and sign up there as well. With this new way of doing things, everyone is automatically approved. I’ll just be going through the list now and again to remove spam and people who don’t seem to truly be with the spirit of the event.

If you signed up before October 3, 2007, your entry should still be there. Have a look and if not let me know in the comments on this post. Write the info that needs to be changed and I will edit it for you.

If you signed up on October 3, 2007 (today) before the we moved to Plan B, take a look for your site in the list (it will be toward the end). If it isn’t there, give me a until tomorrow. Some sites came in while I was doing the data transfer from here to the new list. I will manually add those today. If you don’t see it by tomorrow, please resubmit. I hope to capture 99% of the submissions so far, which means I might miss one or two.

Let me know in the comments if you have any problems with the new sign up process. I still don’t know what the issues were with the previous application. The code seemed fine and Media Temple was working with me on a daily basis to track down issues.

My thanks to Zach for all the hard work and to Destiny at MT. Lastly, thanks to Kevin Hale of for helping me out so much.

Tomorrow or Friday I hope to get back to my planned schedule of posting about the issues and no longer have to worry about the sign ups. Thank you everyone for you patience. I am sorry if some of you had a bad experience signing up.

Categories: The Event

Categories at Pink for October

Past posts at Pink for October

Courage, Hope, Strength!

Courage, Hope, Strength
The red wrist band is written in traditional Chinese characters, representing Courage, Hope, and Strength. The Chinese community has the lowest mortality rate for cancer than any other ethnic group. They embody the courage it takes to get screened, the hope for a day when cancer will no longer be a major disease, and the strength to endure a cancer diagnosis.

Help us spread the word about the importance of prevention and early detection by proudly wearing the red wrist band. Share the wrist bands with your friends and family to ensure that, like the Chinese community, we all have courage, hope, and strength to lead long and healthy lives.

For more information about cancer and the Chinese community, as well as to view the American Cancer Society's prevention and early detection guidelines, please visit

Race for the Cure

Komen Denver Race for the Cure

Komen Denver Race for the Cure offers something for everyone!

With a 5K walk/run, 1-mile family walk, expo area, survivor breakfast, entertainment and closing ceremonies, the Denver Race has something for everyone. The event, slated for October 7, has expanded and is offering myriad opportunities to get involved.

Click here to register for any of the Race Day events.

Sleep in for the Cure

Do it your way — Sleep in or Work Out on Race Day!

If you’ve ever wanted to support the Denver Race, but can’t seem to get down to the event, organizers have two ingenious programs that are perfect for you!

Sleep in for the Cure™ allows participants to sleep their way to finding a cure, while Work Out for the Cure appeals to those who want some exercise, but prefer to work out either alone or in a small group setting.

Select any athletic activity you want – take a hike, swim, rollerblade or walk the local trails on Race Day morning. Participate in either of these programs and you’ll get a special T-shirt for your efforts.

There’s even a special Sleep in for the Cure™ contest where the winner is randomly selected to win a fully catered breakfast from Snooze Restaurant, a matching set of recliners from La-Z Boy Furniture Galleries, and a mattress set courtesy of Mattress King!

K-9's for the Cure
NEW addition to Race Weekend is sure to please the dog lover in You!

K-9's for the CureSaturday, October 6th join the Race at City Park for the inaugural K-9's for the Cure™ event and dog walk. For $35 ($25 for owner and $10 per pet) you’ll receive a bandana for your pet and K-9's for the Cure™ T-shirt for you. In addition, when you register you’re automatically registered for Sunday’s Komen Denver Race for the Cure® (October 7th at Pepsi Center) and will receive that T-shirt as well!

Remember — join us with your pet on Saturday, October 6 and then leave your pet at home on Sunday, October 7th, and come down to Pepsi Center for the largest Race for the Cure in the country.

With Your Help Komen is Making a Positive Impact

By raising money, volunteering and participating in events such as the Komen Denver Race for the Cure® and A Pink Tie Affair™ – signature events of the Denver Metropolitan Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, you provide hope for thousand of uninsured Coloradans.

Juliet StewardLast year’s efforts are helping Coloradans — right now — receive diagnostic services, mammograms, surgery, chemotherapy, home health visits, navigation services, home delivered meals and housing assistance.

Because of you, breast cancer survivor Juliet Steward received a guiding hand from Mella Dee Warren, a nurse and patient navigator with the Center for African American Health, one of 35 local not-for-profits who were awarded grants from the Denver Affiliate. The innovative program, made possible from monies raised last year, helps African — Americans diagnosed with breast cancer navigate the health care system. Acting as confidante, sounding board, support system and conduit for medical information, these navigators accompany the patient and family through every step of their treatment — helping to make the situation more bearable and less stressful.

Click here to read more about Juliet Steward.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure Receives Distinguished 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator

Charity NavigatorCharity Navigator, America’s largest independent evaluator of charities, recently awarded four out of a possible four stars to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. That designation recognizes the Susan G. Komen for the Cure excels in successfully managing organizational finances in an efficient and effective manner. The rating is an exceptional feat for the organization, especially given the economic challenges many charities have faced in the last year. This is a tremendous distinction, resulting from the hard work of our staff, Affiliates and activists.

Charity Navigator’s rating system evaluates two broad areas of a charity's financial health: organizational efficiency and organizational capacity. The ratings show potential donors how efficiently Charity Navigator believes a charity will use donor support right now, and how the organization is positioned to continue providing programs and services in the future. Charity Navigator provides the ratings so that donors can make intelligent giving decisions, and the philanthropic community can more effectively monitor itself.

Breast Cancer Awareness

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the breast. It is considered a heterogeneous disease, meaning that it is a different disease in different women, a different disease in different age groups and has different cell populations within the tumor itself. Generally, breast cancer is a much more aggressive disease in younger women.

Women in the United States get breast cancer more than any other type of cancer except for skin cancer. It is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in women.

This year it is estimated that nearly 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die. Breast cancer is not exclusively a disease of women, however. Approximately 1,700 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 450 will die each year. The evaluation of men with breast masses is similar to that in women, including mammography.

Risk Factors
No one knows the exact causes of breast cancer, but research has shown that women with certain risk factors are more likely than others to develop the disease.

Risk factors for breast cancer include:

* Older age - Half of all women diagnosed are over age sixty-five
* Early onset of menses or late menopause
* Diets high in saturated fat
* Older age at birth of first child or never having given birth
* A personal history of breast cancer or benign (noncancer) breast disease
* A family history, particularly a mother or sister
* Treatment with radiation therapy to the breast/chest
* Breast tissue that is dense on a mammogram
* Taking hormones such as estrogen and progesterone
* Obesity
* Moderate alcoholic intake - more than 2 drinks per day
* Gene changes - including BRCA1, BRCA2, and others

Generally, early breast cancer does not cause pain. Even so, a woman should see her health care provider about breast pain or any other symptom that does not go away.

Common symptoms of breast cancer include:

* A change in how the breast or nipple feels. You may experience nipple tenderness or notice a lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm area.

* A change in how the breast or nipple looks. This could mean a change in the size or shape of the breast or a nipple that is turned slightly inward. In addition, the skin of the breast, areola or nipple may appear scaly, red or swollen or may have ridges or pitting that resembles the skin of an orange.

* Nipple discharge.

Early Detection Plan
An Early Breast Cancer Detection Plan should include:

* Clinical breast examinations every three years from ages 20-39, then every year thereafter.
* Monthly breast self-examinations beginning at age 20. Look for any changes in your breasts.
* Baseline mammogram by the age of 40.
* Mammogram every one to two years for women 40-49, depending on previous findings.
* Mammogram every year for women 50 and older.
* A personal calendar to record your self-exams, mammograms, and doctor appointments.
* A low-fat diet, regular exercise, and no smoking or drinking.

How to do a Breast Self-Examination

In the Shower:

Breast Self-Exam Step 1

Fingers flat, move gently over every part of each breast. Use your right hand to examine left breast, left hand for right breast. Check for any lump, hard knot or thickening. Carefully observe any changes in your breasts.

Before a Mirror:

Breast Self-Exam Step 2
Inspect your breasts with arms at your sides. Next, raise your arms high overhead. Look for any changes in contour of each breast, a swelling, a dimpling of skin or changes in the nipple. Then rest palm on hips and press firmly to flex your chest muscles. Left and right breasts will not exactly match - few women's breasts do.

Lying Down:

Breast Self-Exam Step 3
Place pillow under right shoulder, right arm behind your head. With fingers of left hand flat, press right breast gently in small circular motions, moving vertically or in a circular pattern covering the entire breast. Use light, medium and firm pressure. Squeeze nipple; check for discharge and lumps. Repeat these steps for your left breast.

D.V. Ribbon!

D.V. A.P.

Domestic Violence Awareness Project In 1995, the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) convened several national domestic violence organizations - the Family Violence Prevention Fund, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the National Domestic Violence Hotline and later the National Network to End Domestic Violence - to launch a new effort to support domestic violence programs' awareness and education efforts for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), observed annually in October. The collaborative effort became the Domestic Violence Awareness Project (DVAP).

Today, the DVAP is a diverse and unique partnership of local, tribal, state and national domestic violence organizations and networks. The DVAP collaborates to collect, develop and distribute resources and ideas relevant to advocates' ongoing public and prevention awareness and education efforts not only in preparation for DVAM, but also throughout the year. The work of the DVAP strives to creatively bring to life its statement of purpose:

The Domestic Violence Awareness Project (DVAP) supports the rights of all women and girls to live in peace and dignity. Violence and all other forms of oppression against all communities of women and their children must be eliminated. To change belief systems and practices that support violence against all women, the DVAP recognizes and promotes the participation of the entire community in building social intolerance towards domestic violence.

The purpose of the DVAP is to support and promote the national, tribal, state and local advocacy networks in their ongoing public education efforts through public awareness campaigns, strategies, materials, resources, capacity-building and technical assistance. These strategies include campaigns that address the victimization of women throughout their lifespan. The voices, leadership and expertise of women who have been battered are acknowledged as critical and necessary components of these campaigns. (Created April 2000)

Purple Campaign

The Purple Ribbon Campaign to end Domestic Violence:

Why Purple?

Bruises women have sustained at the hands of their abusers.

It is time to remind our country of the hidden secrets many

women and children face daily, in they're nice warm pretty homes!

Hidden behind closed doors.

In a place they thought at one time would serve as comfort and love.

These Women Could be:

Your Best Friend

Your Mom

Your Daughter

A Co-Worker

A sweet, quiet neighbor


There are many faces in domestic violence.

There is no stereo type situation

Strong Powerful Women, Stay at Home Wives and Mothers,

The President of the PTA,

The clerk in the grocery store.

A CEO in charge of a corporation.

The Woman Being Beat Can Be ANYONE!

The only trait this woman will have in common with all the others is,

she know's all to well,

how to hide the abuse

from others.

She carries her scar's inside,

and hides the bruises from your eyes.

She needs to know, and we all must join hands to show her


So often, time and time again, a woman being

abused hides the abuse.

She is embarrassed.

She has very little self value.

It has been stolen from her, by her abuser.
She usually demonstrates low self esteem.

She feel's like a failure.

She walks alone, afraid to let anyone in.

She feels no one will understand.

She feels worse yet, you will judge her.

I beg you my fellow sisters,

to stand for this woman.

To take her hand, gently.

To be there to listen, without judging.

She needs a true friend.

She needs a shoulder.

She needs you.

Her life may depend on you.

Please read the following pages.

Become acquainted with Domestic Violence.

Step up to bat for women who are being abused.

Become more aware.

Spread the word.

Offer safety.


You may start now, by right clicking on this graphic below

and saving it to your hard drive.

Then, add it to your web pages.

Link it back here.

Spread the word.

Involve others.

We can all Make A Difference,

one heart at a time!

Please Click on The Heart Matters to follow back to the Domestic Violence Page. And Please, while your here, remember to right click the Purple Ribbon Banner below, and link it back to me. Together Efforts Are Made, we can create awareness and education, and hopefully save a woman's life!